Tag Archives: Intro

Introduction Post

This style, “2010” expressed my personal love for progress and modernity, elegance in its simplicity. As much as I appreciate past generations, I believe in the power of modernity with its ease of use and connectivity. This WordPress style reflects that: one intro header and two main columns.

My custom header comes from an April 2010 picture I took in Paris of Rodin’s famous sculpture Le Penseur (The Thinker). In addition to showing off my travel exploits, I chose the picture as a symbol for myself: a thought becoming a man who continues to think. I constantly try and reapply myself to fit into different situations, but in the end I still return to my own way of thinking. (And yes, I did the tourist-y thing and took a picture of myself posed just like the statue. Just because I give pictures certain meanings doesn’t excuse me from having a sense of humor.)

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