Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chewbacchus brings sci-fi flavor to Mardi Gras

The Krewe of Chewbacchus is preparing for their second parade and hope to outdo themselves with even larger contraptions this year.

Their largest one, the Vamana, is a bike-maneuvered chariot that ways “probably 700 lbs” according to one krewe member. ” It gets bigger a little more every day, a little more every time. It depends who’s in it.”

Founded in 2011, the sci-fi-based krewe prides themselves on their accessibility and D.I.Y. ethic.

“Brett Powers said: Keeping the dues low allows a wide range of people to participate. We want Mardi Gras to be accessible to everybody, not just the bluebloods and rich.”

However, Chewbacchus will keep some Mardi Gras traditions; for example, the krewe will have their own king. According to Powers and other members,  “Giorgio Tsoukalos, the ancient alien guru from History Channel’s Ancient Aliens is going to be sitting there in a few days”.

The Chewbacchus parade will occur at noon on Saturday, February 18.

[Maroon article about this coming soon]

AdvRep02 post 1- Tennis team prepares for season opener

With their first match only a few days away, Coach Zubin Engineer is making sure Loyola’s tennis teams are ready for anything.

“Once we start the season, we’ll get a good feel for what our opposition’s like,” he said. “At the moment we’re trying to prepapre ourselves with skills so we’re ready to compete.”

Coach Zubin has been practicing with the team since its creation in 2009, and many players think he helps hold the team together.

First-year law student Brian Pena was captain of the men’s team last year; he says “it’s all basically Zubin” who pushes the team to succeed.


Well hello there, 2011. I didn’t see you come in. Have a seat, relax. So I hear you’ve got big plans coming up. But will any of these plans involve me? Oh, the 1st Wizard World NOLA’s happening this year, fun. Ooh, and we’re getting the Green Lantern movie, good.

But do any of these plans not involve fandom? Yes, yes they will.

I’ll be 20 this year. And out of these 20 years only 2 have probably been productive at all. I have only 10 years left until I can officially have a mid-life crisis.

  1. I plan to be more assertive in my choices. I’m usually easy to please in certain situations, but there’s a difference between “it’s the thought that counts” and “last minute gifting”. Currently I’ve got so many Barnes & Noble giftcards that I could buy out a section of the store.
  2. I have to improve myself before I can help others. For the past few summers I’ve been volunteering at a special needs camp. And although I

Final project clip


For my final project, I discussed marijuana legalization and the war on drugs; this short clip discusses the alternative drugs that college students have gone after, and the health scares behind them


Created with Google SearchStories

Self-Portrait Post

Scared yet?

For a self-portrait assignment, I decided to deliberately emphasize my inherent eccentricities. I took a digital photo of myself added a Sepia filter to it using Photo Booth, then created a virtual negative of it in Adobe Photoshop. I chose the negative theme to express my self-opinion; a photo negative will always be an example of potentiality, what an object or idea can become with the right applications (i.e. “a diamond in the rough”).

Also, the negative effect gave it a “horror” feel, which shows my general affinity for the genre. The light switch was originally not meant to be part of the picture, but keeping it in allows me to mock the phrase “The lights are on, but nobody’s home”.

Lastly, the quote, “Those who dance are considered insane by those who can’t hear the music”, came to me through it being mentioned in Napalm and Silly Putty, a book by the late comedian George Carlin. I’ve always considered myself to be a part of the mainstream while simultaneously being separated from it, on an entirely different yet connected level of understanding.

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Introduction Post

This style, “2010” expressed my personal love for progress and modernity, elegance in its simplicity. As much as I appreciate past generations, I believe in the power of modernity with its ease of use and connectivity. This WordPress style reflects that: one intro header and two main columns.

My custom header comes from an April 2010 picture I took in Paris of Rodin’s famous sculpture Le Penseur (The Thinker). In addition to showing off my travel exploits, I chose the picture as a symbol for myself: a thought becoming a man who continues to think. I constantly try and reapply myself to fit into different situations, but in the end I still return to my own way of thinking. (And yes, I did the tourist-y thing and took a picture of myself posed just like the statue. Just because I give pictures certain meanings doesn’t excuse me from having a sense of humor.)

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