For Fall 2015, I will be enrolled in a Web Development course. Many of the upcoming posts this fall will focus on my various assignments in this field. My first assignment will involve “noting websites you find interesting or neutral,” as the syllabus states. Two of my favorite news sites include:

  • The Escapist, an online video game and entertainment publication. My personal favorite show on the site? Zero Punctuation, a weekly game review show by writer Yahtzee Croshaw with a focus on quick wit and cynical humor. Any video game fan who wants to laugh hysterically while learning about the newest games should definitely check this show out. You can visit The Escapist by clicking here:
  • The Atlantic, a physical and online news publication discussing current events from a moderate perspective. I tend to avoid most overly political websites, so seeing one from a centrist point of view helps inform me better. You can visit the website by clicking here
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