A Brave New World for this Site

As you can tell by the new name, this blog will be taking a new direction and subject matter. The old name was stolen/a poor homage to a friend’s blog, and not very professional-sounding. Freshman year, that would’ve been fine and dandy, but freshman year has gone and passed. Now I have to make more of an effort in presentation.

The name has two meanings. My initials spell out A.C.D., one letter short of AC/DC. As such, an electricity-based motif would’ve suited me well. But for this, I had to be careful to pick the right word to portray the main ideas of this blog. Volt sounds too threatening and lethal. Static implies disruption of communication, the polar opposite of my intentions. [Yes, that pun was intentional.] After all this deliberation, “spark” felt like the best choice.

Sparks ignite to light the way. Why shouldn’t this blog be the same?


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