Simpsons actor visits Loyola


Actor Harry Shearer is known for his roles in Springfield, but the Simpsons actor has become involved in a different city — New Orleans.

The actor was the guest of honor on April 8 as part of the school’s Monday Night Forum series of lectures and seminars. Music Industry teacher Jim Gabour ,the founder of the program, said that he chose Shearer because of his history and connection with New Orleans.  “Harry has really adopted this city,” Gabour said. The two had previously worked together on Shearer’s web series “My Damn Channel” in 2008.

Besides being part of Fox’s The Simpsons since its primetime debut in 1989, Shearer has been a comic actor and musician for years. One of his most famous roles is musician Derek Smalls in This is Spinal Tap, a documentary about a fictional heavy metal band. Even though the film had been unsuccessful on its first release in 1984, its satirical portrayal of the music business and musicians has turned it into a cult classic, with fans ranging from Trent Reznor to Metallica.

Although he has homes in London and Santa Monica, Harry Shearer says he feels most at home in New Orleans because he loves the community and hospitality.

“I grew up in a very individualistic city, Los Angeles. When I came here, I saw the thing that was really missing in my life, which was community,” he said.

In the recovery period following Hurricane Katrina, Shearer devoted his time and money to helping rebuild New Orleans. In 2010, he produced and directed  “The Big Uneasy,” a documentary about the events leading up to Hurricane Katrina and how the disaster could have been prevented. The film premiered worldwide on August 30, 2010.

Despite the struggles during the rebuilding period, Shearer still remains passionate in his love for the city. “Think of all the things people think about New Orleans — the food, the music, etc. Take them away and you still have the city.”

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